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How do people identify their surrounding space? How does space influence and change people’s minds and behaviour? These questions guide my core research. My practice explores ideas about space. Specifically, it is about exploring the surrounding environment and discussing its identity, structure and formation. I try to figure out the way people feel and recognise space, and as they enter a space how they lead to its recreation or transformation. The interaction between people and space and how they affect each other is the most important focus in my current work.


The beginnings of my works are inspired by my personal interests in architecture and the city, the essential living spaces that reflect people’s demand of choosing and building space. Instead of a generalized space, I then begin to think about a particular space. How to identify a particular space? The material, the form, a window, a corner, or any found projects from it could possibly give an answer to the question. When the space is defined with an identity, people will unconsciously have the sense of it and then response to that with an adapting or refusing attitude. Finally, they will stay, change, or rebuild the space from their responses.


Compositions and forms of my work are constructed in a concise and geometrical way, which is taken from architecture focusing on strong, rational structures, which are closer to objective space. I analyse the key elements and structures that constitute different spaces and their affects on people, and manipulate those elements as the starting point for my works.

Artist Statement

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